Transitioning caregivers for people with disabilities

Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD) is offering a three-workshop series to share instruments and methods used to support loved ones with disabilities in making choices as they approach the age of adulthood


Supported Decision-Making (SDM), Guardianship, and other Alternatives

Many parents and caregivers have questions about how best their loved one with intellectual and developmental disabilities may be supported in making decisions as an adult. What are the concerns around guardianship? What about Supported Decision Making? How do advance directives such as health care proxies and durable power of attorney factor in?

This workshop should be taken before the Guardianship and Digging into Supported Decision-Making workshops.


When: Feb. 13, 2023

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Zoom Registration Link: Click Here


Digging into Supported Decision-Making

This workshop is intended for individuals who have already attended the monthly Supported Decision Making, Guardianship, and other Alternatives workshop, and want to know more about SDM. It will review Article 82, the NY State supported decision-making law, and will answer SDM-specific questions.


When: Feb. 15 2024

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Zoom Registration Link: Click Here


Guardianship Workshop

This workshop is intended for individuals who have already attended the monthly Supported Decision Making, Guardianship, and other Alternatives workshop, and have determined that guardianship is the most appropriate alternative. Since guardianship is considered the most restrictive form of decision support, it is recommended that you also attend the Digging into Supported Decision-Making workshop before signing up for this one. It will review the process of putting together a petition for guardianship and the documentation requirements.


When: Feb. 16, 2024

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Zoom Registration Link:  Click Here

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