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An American Idol contestant with autism gets some singing support, a New Jersey school teacher allegedly harms a student with disabilities, and more news for the week ending Saturday, April 8, 2023.

American Idol singers join forces to help a young man with autism on duets night: ‘It is so important that people see this side of my disability’: Teamwork makes the dream work on ‘American Idol’ duets night (

I’m speechless:  N.J. teacher suspended after holding 4-year-old with autism upside down by his ankles, family says (

Two essays to chew on:

Read about an art show for students from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware: Hundreds prepare for 3rd annual Tri-State DisAbility Art Show (

A family in Broward County, Fla., opens a business that values diversity “to help [a family member] live the full adult life we knew he was capable of”: Car wash employs more than 80 people with autism (

Granted, studies are a dime a dozen, so just putting this out there: Study finds slightly higher risk of autism diagnosis in areas with more lithium in drinking water, but experts say more research is needed (CNN)

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