Naturally, as you deal with putting one together, you’ll encounter the usual long list of unfamiliar terms and acronyms. Luckily, NYC FAIR (Family, Advocacy, Information & Resources for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities) has put together an excellent glossary of terms, which you’ll find here.
Some examples:
CAS Coordinated Assessment System: OPWDD is using a new assessment tool to identify an individual’s strengths, needs and interests and to assist in person- centered care planning. The assessments are conducted by Maximus
FIDA Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan: For individuals who have both Medicaid and Medicare.. this is a managed care plan that coordinates healthcare services.
Person Centered Care Planning: The Person-Centered Planning process is directed by the individual and their circle of support, usually including family members. The plan is supposed to focus on the person’s abilities, capacities, interests and life goals in order that the individual reach their potential and live a fulfilling life.
And be sure to check out NYC Fair for upcoming webinars. Its recent one on the Life Plan was extremely informative and helpful.