College supports disabilities

The Center for Parent Information and Resources has posted a link to a webinar, Get to Know Your School Counselor: Improving Collaboration to Support College and Career Readiness for Youth with Disabilities.

It will focus on the nature of college and career readiness supports among youth with IEPs, on 504 plans, and without disabilities using the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012 data. Practical strategies will be shared for improving collaboration between transition specialists and school counselors in order to support youth with disabilities and ensure their inclusion in schoolwide college and career readiness efforts.

Date: March 9, 2023

Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Register: Go to NTACT (at the link above), create an account for free, then register for the webinar.

The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) is a Technical Assistance Center co-funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

Image: Stefamerpix

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