The Housing Resource Guide, created to help people with I/DD to understand the systems and options for housing, has been updated by the New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation. The guide is intended for the use of people with I/DD in need of housing, their families and their Circle of Support including care managers, fiscal intermediaries, direct support professionals, provider agencies and oversight agencies.
First published in 2012 by Westchester Institute for Human Development and revised by The NY Alliance, it can help you navigate a truly confusing system. Warning: It’s not for the fainthearted; it’s some 70 pages long, but it’s a great resource with which to be familiar and if you’re not in need of housing for a loved one, consider at least skimming it.
The content includes information on Certified and Non-Certified Housing, Types of Housing, Support Services and Creating a Housing Plan.
In addition to checking out the guide, be sure to read the informative text found here, which puts the guide into context. It explains terminology, such as Housing Navigation, and reports, among other things, that “NY State currently supports approximately 38,000 people with I/DD in certified congregate and community housing throughout the state, with an additional 6,000 people receiving some assistance with housing and support in non-certified settings.”
Check it out!